Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Can't get enough Pinterest

t-shirt reconstruction
I have so many plans...
Strawberry Cheesecake? Cheesecake Strawberries!
Cheesecake Strawberries
Need these socks.
Pinned Image
Gotta try this!  Might have to do color on black though, since I haven't found a good white polish yet.
Okay, you have to admit this is funny!

cute for girls with lots of hair like me!
I need to grow my hair out but...I kinda of want it cut now.


  1. Ooooohhhhh, I keep meaning to get a Pinterest account.

    Why can't my hair look like THAT?! That's always what I expect when I cut it short, and then I end up crying.

  2. Pinterest is SO addicting! I have an extremely long list of things to make, bake, do and wear! :)
